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Hello Future Eagles!


Hello parents,


As a parent and a grandparent myself, I understand that the decisions regarding the education of your children, are among the most important and influential ones that you will make as a parent. During their school years, your children will not only be learning math, English, and science; they will be forming friendships, values, and worldviews. That is why a Christian education is so important. We want our students to learn to view every aspect of life and learning from a biblical perspective.


At Risen Son Christian School, our mission is to serve as an extension of the Christian home and as a partner with the local, evangelical church in the Christian education of children. Through biblical integration in the classroom, weekly chapel time, and the influence of our faculty, and staff the Christian values that our students learn at home can be reinforced and internalized by the time they walk across the stage and receive their diplomas.


You can rest assured that it is our conviction and calling, as Christian educators, to teach children to think, learn, and live from a Biblical worldview. The student’s confidence in their faith is increased through chapel services, classroom instruction, and community ministries. Teaching a Biblical worldview in a scholastic setting begins with dedicated Christian educators. RSCS is committed to establishing an academic and spiritual foundation that fosters a love of learning in an atmosphere where children can express their God-given gifts and talents. Believing that responsible and informed people are the strength of any nation, we prepare students to exercise a proper role within their families, in the Body of Christ, and as citizens who can love and follow Jesus Christ in any community context! 


We aren’t just another option; we are the better option!


In His Service,

Jon Locke




Wisdom through Learning, with a Spiritual Cultivation and a Christ-Centered Community!



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